Tissue Mineral Analysis


Your Blueprint For Living!

Lab Test and Complete Interpretation: 

This test shows the mineral levels and ratios of each mineral plus a thorough interpretative work-up that list trends, provides a detailed explanation of the results, along with vitamin and mineral supplement recommendations, and compares significant mineral ratios.

Personal Diet Plan:

Derived from the information provided by the Mineral Test Report & based on mineral levels, mineral ratios, “oxidation” type, and probable “allergic responses,” this list what foods should be included in the diet and what foods should be avoided.

Hair Sample Protocol

The accuracy of a mineral analysis depends upon many factors. While the laboratory is responsible for the technical aspects of the test, the results will only be as good as the raw material, or sample, that is received. For this reason the more care that is exercised by the person taking the sample, the more accurate the results. 

  • Upon completion of purchase you will receive your Hair Sample Protocol PDF via email.
  • You may choose to take your hair sample at home (you’ll be provided an envelope mailed to you via USPS to place your hair sample along with hair sample guidelines).
  • OR
  • You may opt for our staff to take your hair sample in our office.

Results are normally available within 2 weeks. Once we receive your results you will be notified and scheduled for a Tissue Mineral Analysis Review Appointment.

You will receive a hard copy of your results.




Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Is A Window Into The Cells.

Nutritional physiology takes place at the cellular level, not within blood or any other location. What you eat is not as important as what is reaching your body cells. Tissue mineral analysis is unique in that it inexpensively provides information directly about cellular activity – the main site of nutritional metabolism.

Providing a mineral blueprint of one’s biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one’s metabolic rate, energy levels, and stage of stress.

Our hair tissue mineral analysis is a screening test for the level of 20 minerals and toxic metals in a sample of hair. It is a tissue mineral biopsy that is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and extremely accurate. Our laboratory uses only the most advanced and sophisticated instrumentation available today,  to assess mineral levels in parts per million or parts per billion.


Under the direction of Dr. Crystal Garrett

Dr. Crystal holds a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a speciality in Holistic Healing and uses a variety of techniques to help heal at a spiritual, emotional, cellular, and physical level.

Dr Crystal specializes in Movement & Mindfulness. Bringing together Traditional Remedies, Herbal Knowledge and Spiritual Healing to support the Restoration of the Body into a State of Wholeness for The Nurturing of Women. She offers personalized coaching that results in seeing your True Self, your Highest Potential, Living a Happier and Healthier Life according to your true Feminine Nature – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

At Holistic Wellness Beauty we encourage healing at the cellular level to improve your body’s healing abilities, allowing your femininity to flow freely.

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