Comprehensive Dietary Profile & Wellness Visits

An Eating Plan For Optimal Health

Dietary Profile provides a personalized dietary plan based entirely upon the results of your tissue mineral analysis.

  • Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA)
  • Initial Consultation and Personalized Dietary Plan
    • Description: This includes a meeting to discuss the TMA results, provide nutrition guidance, and create a personalized dietary plan.
    • Personalized Supplement Program.
  • Introduction to Metabolic Typing and Transition Diets
    • Description: Detailed guidance on diets based on metabolic typing and advice on transitioning eating habits.
  • Follow-Up Sessions
    • Frequency: 2 follow-up sessions
    • Description: Regular follow-up sessions to monitor progress, make dietary adjustments, and provide ongoing support.
  • Educational Materials and Resources
    • Description: Information about foods, eating habits, and other educational resources to support the dietary plan.


Highly Recommended Tissue Mineral + Blood Type Analysis 

Your Blueprint For Living!

Lab Test and Complete Interpretation: 

This test shows the mineral levels and ratios of each mineral plus a thorough interpretative work-up that list trends, provides a detailed explanation of the results, along with vitamin and mineral supplement recommendations, and compares significant mineral ratios.

Personal Dietary Profile:

Derived from the information provided by the Mineral Test Report & based on mineral levels, mineral ratios, “oxidation” type, and probable “allergic responses,” this list what foods should be included in the diet and what foods should be avoided.

Under the direction of Dr. Crystal Garrett

Dr. Crystal holds a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a speciality in Holistic Healing and uses a variety of techniques to help heal at a spiritual, emotional, cellular, and physical level.

Dr Crystal specializes in Movement & Mindfulness. Bringing together Traditional Remedies, Herbal Knowledge and Spiritual Healing to support the Restoration of the Body into a State of Wholeness for The Nurturing of Women. She offers personalized coaching that results in seeing your True Self, your Highest Potential, Living a Happier and Healthier Life according to your true Feminine Nature – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

At Holistic Wellness Beauty we encourage healing at the cellular level to improve your body’s healing abilities, allowing your femininity to flow freely.

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