The Circle of Repeated Lessons


The Circle of Repeated Lessons: A Guided Meditation Experience by Dr. Crystal

What’s Included:

  • PDF Download
  • A deeply relaxing guided storytime and meditation script

In this meditation and storytime, participants will explore the concept that any lesson they refuse to learn will repeat until it is fully understood and integrated. Through guided visualization and reflection, participants will be encouraged to release resistance and embrace the lessons in their lives.



  • Emotional Healing: Helps you to process and release emotions associated with past hurts, leading to emotional freedom.
  • Stress Relief: Reduces stress and anxiety by guiding you through a calming visualization and breathing exercises.
  • Enhanced Mindfulness: Encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, helping you stay present and centered.
  • Improved Relationships: Promotes healthier relationships by fostering forgiveness and letting go of past grievances.
  • Spiritual Growth: Supports spiritual growth by aligning your intentions with love, peace, and forgiveness.

Music Background Suggestions

  • Nature Sounds with Soft Piano: Combine the calming sound of a flowing river or gentle rain with soft piano music to enhance the feeling of peace and relaxation.
  • Ambient Soundscapes: Use ambient soundscapes with tones and harmonics that create a meditative and tranquil atmosphere.
  • Healing Frequencies: Incorporate music tuned to 432 Hz or 528 Hz frequencies, known for their calming and healing properties.
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