Journey To Holistic Wellness! 6 week Virtual Course


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CLASS SCHEDULE: March 4 – April 8| Saturday’s @ 11am – 12noon Central Time

Do you find yourself stuck in the same pattern in your relationships, career, or your life in general? Are you looking for real results that are proven to be successful in empowering individuals to live in their authentic truth? If you’re looking for the tools you need to let go of old beliefs, release judgements, and move towards manifesting abundance then this course is perfect for you. In our 6 week virtual course you’ll learn the tools you need to let go of old scripts, you’ll be able to rewrite your narrative and move into your power. Take responsibility for your future and enroll in a life changing experience that will elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

Experience a complete lifestyle transformation

  • Increase Energy
  • Produce Happiness
  • Experience Calmness
  • Foster Mental Clarity
  • Enhance Longevity, Health, and Spirituality
  • Create Peace In Your Life
  • Reverse Your Way of Eating
  • Heal Your Gut
  • Overcome Food Addiction
  • Crush Cravings

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Your Instructor

Dr. Crystal Garrett
Dr. Crystal Garrett Metaphysician, CH, RYT500, Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Cosmetology Instructor
Dr. Crystal holds a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a speciality in Holistic Healing and uses a variety of techniques to help heal at a spiritual, emotional, cellular, and physical level. Dr. Crystal is also a practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine & Nutrition, Yoga & Meditation, and a Licensed Cosmetology Instructor with a speciality in healing the hair & skin naturally. Dr Crystal specializes in Movement, Mindfulness & Holistic Beauty. She offers personalized coaching that results in seeing your True Self, your Highest Potential, Living a Happier and Healthier Life according to your true nature – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. At Holistic Wellness Beauty we encourage healing at the cellular level to improve your body’s healing abilities and relationships. * Metaphysical Spiritual Counseling * Metaphysical Holistic Life Coaching * Metaphysical Energy Healing * Metaphysical Hypnosis * Ayurvedic Nutrition * 500 Registered Yoga Teacher * Mindfulness Coach * Meditation Coach * Licensed Cosmetology Instructor


What is Holistic Medicine

Also known as “alternative medicine,” holistic medicine is a form of healing that goes back 5,000 years before modern medicine was established. These treatments focus on more than just the patient’s physical body by emphasizing their mind, emotions, and spirit. The philosophy behind holistic medicine holds that each individual is composed of interdependent parts (body, mind, heart, and energy), all of which need to be in perfect balance to achieve optimal health.

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