the basic human ability to be fully present. During this state, we are aware of where we are and what we are doing. We are not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us.


Mindfulness has benefits that include:

  • reduce over active mind
  • reduce stress
  • helps you focus or concentrate
  • higher brain function
  • increased clarity
  • lower anxiety & depression
  • helps change bad habits
  • leads to self-acceptance & compassion for others
  • leads to a more enjoyable life

Everyday Mindfulness Activities

Try to wake up a bit earlier each morning. This gives you more time to be mindful. As you waken think about how you are grateful for that day. Do some gentle stretches, eat a healthy breakfast and do something that makes you smile. This could be listening to music, reading a few pages of a book, or writing in your journal. 
Think about the joy you are going to find in that day and state a clear intention, something that you are going to achieve no matter how small.
Taking time like this will equip you for the day ahead.
Your shower is the perfect place to practice mindfulness. You are alone, in peace and the chances are for at least 10 minutes nobody is going to disturb you. 
Really feel the water as it hits your body. What’s the pressure? What temperature is it? Be aware of each part of your body as you wash it. Really notice the smell of your soap or body wash and your shampoo. Focus on your breath as you shower.
As you dry, again be aware of your body and of each item of clothing as you dress. 
Treat your morning tea like a ritual, take your time over it.
 Don’t just do everything on autopilot, be present. When preparing your tea be aware of each step. Notice the smell while it is brewing then take time to sit and drink it using your favorite mug. Savoring the taste of each sip.
Think about the food you are eating. Where did it come from, what processes did it have to go through? How was it grown/prepared? How much work went into getting that food onto your plate?
Try to plan your mealtimes. Eat at regular times and places. Try to sit down at a table using the correct plates and utensils. Eating with others is also good as it allows you to slow your eating down and have a conversation.