Holistic Skin Care
What Does That Mean?

The term Holistic Skincare is popping up everywhere. This is a good thing right?
In my opinion the answer is Yes and No! I say this because the term Holistic Skincare is often misinterpreted or is used as the latest catchy marketing term meant to get consumers to purchase new products. The public is then mislead, as Holistic Skincare is used as a synonym for luxurious, overpriced, organic, natural, and free skin products.
Holistic skincare is not just another term for organic skincare, and it’s not a new trend. It is a complete Lifestyle and a very comprehensive approach to health and balance that has nothing to do with buying exclusively natural products.
As A Licensed Beauty Professional
I do believe in scientific foundations when it comes to skincare and I love how technology offers new and very effective solutions in western medicine, health, and cosmetics. I also believe a holistic approach to skincare is essential.
So What Does This Mean?
A Holistic approach is simply approaching your health as a whole, not just part of it. The philosophy is that these parts are interrelated and interdependent ~BALANCE~ and thus health can only be achieved if all the parts are working properly.
Just like in Ayurveda, looking for or treating the cause as opposed to simply just treating symptoms. It acknowledges that our environment and inner imbalances can have serious consequences for our health, thus we should take all things into consideration if we would like to restore balance.
In the case of skin care
a holistic approach means more than putting on an expensive moisturizer on our face. It only treats one part of the skin – the outer layer, and only temporarily. But the overall health of our skin depends on so much more than that.
It’s not enough to treat our skin from the outside only. We have to nurture it from the inside as well. The health of skin depend on many factors – from ingredients we use, through our lifestyle choices (diet, exercise) and the environmental stressors we meet, to our emotional and mental well-being.

Elements Of A Holistic Skin Care Routine
- Nourish Your Skin With The Right Ingredients
- Get familiar with your own skin. Know what it’s like and what it needs in order to choose the best ingredients and products for you.
- Skin care is a long-term game and is meant to nurture the skin. No spot-healer will actually heal the underlying causes of acne. Nothing will miraculously reverse the aging process in a day.
- Stay away from harsh, stripping products. Try a good oil cleanser to preserve the absolutely vital barrier function of the skin. Use good vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-aging ingredients that are actually proven to work. Wear SPF.
- And most importantly, establish a fix skin care routine – give your skin the care it deserves every single day.
- Eat Your Skin Beautiful
- How we eat is just as important when it comes to skin care as what we put onto our skin. The healthier and more balanced your diet is, the more it will show on your face.
- Foods To Avoid:
- Sugar, White Bread, Pasta, Processed Food, White Pastries, Soda, Cookies, Caffeine, Very Salty Foods, Alcohol
- Go To Foods:
- Whole Grains, Raw Vegetables & Fruit, Beans, & Nuts( unless you have an allergy, Antioxidant-Rich Food
- How we eat is just as important when it comes to skin care as what we put onto our skin. The healthier and more balanced your diet is, the more it will show on your face.
- Water
- Water really is a magical thing and cannot be left out of a good skin care routine. Remember up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.
- Water really is a magical thing and cannot be left out of a good skin care routine. Remember up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.
- Exercise
- Exercise can help ease stress and release feel-good hormones, like endorphin that regulate the bad stress hormone cortisol (also responsible for acne-causing oil production and inflammation). Sweating during exercise can also help clear out the skin – be sure to develop a post workout skincare regimn.
- Beauty Sleep
- Lack of sleep can result in dark circles, as well as saggy skin. It can result in elevated levels of cortisol and stress hormones that can lead to more inflammation and the worsening of conditions like eczema or psoriasis. No sleep also means no restorative period for our body and skin, this is the time when we rejuvenate, renew, and regenerate.
- Stress Less
- Stress can show on our skin. It can lead to acne flare-ups, hives, rashes, hair loss or can increase and worsen existing skin conditions like rosacea and psoriasis.

It’s important to note – it’s all about the balance. A very restrictive diet can also be very harmful and result in very serious health and skin conditions. Focus on the good nutrients and try to make healthy choices most of the time!
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